We offer dental service for dental emergencies by appointment on any day, including Sundays. From toothache to lost or broken crowns, chipped teeth and fillings to abscesses, trauma, avulsed teeth and a swollen face. We can take care of your injuries to ensure you heal quicker and more effectively, so you avoid additional dental problems in the future.
It is vital that you keep the knocked out tooth clean and avoid handling the root. In some cases you may be able to put the tooth back into the socket by biting down on a clean paper towel for around 15-20 minutes. Book an appointment immediately to increase your chances of re-implantation.
If you have a chipped tooth then your dentist may be able to smooth down the uneven edge and replace the missing part with a tooth-coloured filling. If you break a back molar then this may have to be replaced with a crown. Seek immediate professional assistance now.
1/27 Gladstone Park Drive, Gladstone Park, Vic, 3043, Australia
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